Monday, July 19, 2010

random thoughts are coming into my mind.maybe i can asemble them to actualy read it.

what do u want to do next ??? perhaps it is the most usual and the most general question asked by parents to there kids.whether its about your career or day to day life and yes i m one of the thousand students which leave this question unanswered (because that's the better way).while deciding what to do or not do most people go with there gut feeling,which is by default good and a better way.what if u don't have a gut feeling ??,we go by the choice of our loved one's.Is that the best way of doing things, we say yes because we don't have any other option.
what do u want from your life? same question with a different text.most people know what they want but they don't know how to get it because there sole aim is destination not the path.somewhere the destination gives u a momentary satisfaction but the path satisfies you at every point.we want to do every thing in life but still sitting at home and thinking about it gives more satisfaction than actually doing it .
every person thinks they are different in some way or the other and that is true for them but believe me you can find your identical twins next door.Regretting is a part of life and everyone regrets at one points or the other,ask some smart people and they will say"i don"t do things which i regret", like they are some jackasses who know when the world is going to end.
there is something about that word "meant".things don't turn out the way you want them to be but the way they you implement it .After all it was meant to be this way.....

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